SFATURI de luat in seama inainte de a lua un catel westie........... Toarnă suc rece pe podeaua casei și apoi mergi desculț pe întuneric. Poartă șosete a căror dantelă taie o cu o foarfecă . Mergi afară prin ploaie în fiecare zi imediat după ce te-ai trezit și spune tare „Fii un câine cuminte, du-te și fă pipi acum..... ACUUUMMM!!!! Freacă toate hainele bune cu păr de câine. Hainele închise la culoare necesită păr alb. Poti arunca și niște păr de câine în prima ceașcă de cafea de dimineață. Joacă prinselea cu o minge de tenis umedă. Ce spui daca ai fugi desculț prin zăpadă ca să închizi poarta din…
Blog Posts
How to Care for a Westie?
The West Highland white terrier is an active, intelligent and friendly little dog, standing about 11 inches tall. More commonly known as Westies, this breed has the confidence and strength to perform in agility trials or obedience competitions, according to the American Kennel Club. Their coat is bright white with a thick undercoat and coarse topcoat that requires daily grooming. With proper feeding, grooming, training, exercise and veterinary visits, Westies are loyal, confident family dogs
Our New Baby
When you get that puppy, ASSUME that it needs to be good with kids even if you don't have kids. It is your duty to your puppy to make it as adaptable as possible, even if you do not anticipate having children. It is a rare situation where a dog will live its lifetime without a need to interact with a child. Not socializing your puppy may increase the odds that it will bite someone someday. It may be put down because of your failures. Therefore, you MUST make sure that puppy is exposed to many people and situations while it is young enough to adapt easily.